To do, Reminders and Tasks

Reminders and Tasks are displayed under the To do drop-down on the Home Page. 

If these are not immediately visible, ensure the Show all button is clicked to the right of To do. 


Reminders are automatically added when registers are more than two weeks overdue and need to be submitted.  Reminders can be a helpful way of knowing what actions need to be completed on your account when you have first logged into the system.
Here users can click on the various links to quickly go the registers that need submitting.
'Your sessions' is defined by sessions for which the user is marked as the Session Registrar.
There is also a link to email other users to inform them that they have outstanding registers to submit as well.


New tasks can be added by clicking on Add task. Tasks can be used as a project management tool and can be assigned to yourself or other Upshot users. 
An example might be a Task to ask someone to upload ' Two Case Studies by the end of next week.'
Tasks can be given a due date, assigned to multiple Upshot users and also be associated back to certain projects, indicators and outcomes.
Users will receive an email when they have been assigned a Task. They can add ongoing notes to the task and mark when this is complete.
The system will indicate when tasks are overdue with the coloured icon to the side.
If tasks have been associated back to projects, the status of them can also be viewed within a project by going to the Tasks tab.
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