Evidenced Indicators

Evidenced indicators are an excellent way to measure your own qualitative data. 

To add a new one, click Add a new Evidenced Indicator from the Tools section on the By indicator page.

While you would add targets to your measured indicators, you will need to add Deliverables to your evidenced indicators for them to show up on your dashboard and be monitored. This can either be done when creating the Evidenced Indicator by clicking SAVE AND ADD DELIVERABLE or at a later time. 

To do this at a later date, go into your project and click on the By Indicator tab. Scroll down to find the relevant Evidenced Indicator and click Add deliverable.

To show that you are achieving the deliverables that you have set, you may want to upload  Media to showcase what is happening. Media could be any electronic file, from a Microsoft Word document to a YouTube video link. For more information on Media please refer to the Adding Media guide.

As well as using media to show that you are achieving your deliverables, you can also use an achievement rating to give context and say whether or not you are on track.
Once you have the Intended evidence to demonstrate you have achieved your deliverables, you can tick the  Done box. 

You will then be presented with the message below. Clicking YES, THIS IS COMPLETE will mark the indicator as completed. 

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