Activity Types

Activity types are a way of classifying activities for reporting within and across projects. They can often be thought of as the various 'themes' that link the activities that sit across your projects.

For example, if you run Boys Football as one activity and Girls Football as another activity you could give them an activity type of ‘Football’. This will allow you to report on everything with an activity type of ‘Football’ altogether. 

Similarly, you could have an activity type called 'Workshops < em=""> and this would allow you to report on all your activities across different projects associated with this activity type in one go.  <>

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An Activity Type is required when adding an activity and the list of Activity Types can be added to or amended at any time, please do contact Upshot Support if you need any more help with this.

Adding new Activity Types

Activity Types are often defined with the Upshot team, or by an organisation's associated Facilitating Organisation, in the initial set-up process of an organisation's account. As such, when these are set up these often are created at the back end.

If organisations find this and their Activity Types need amending or adding to please contact or your relevant Upshot contact.

If Activity Types are created and managed in your organisation's account directly, they can be added to by going to Admin > Activity Types.

Once created, it is important the relevant Project(s) are linked to these new outcomes, otherwise they will not appear as expected when colleagues are carrying out their work.

This can be done by: 

  • Going into the Project
  • Clicking on the General tab 
  • Halfway down the page clicking on Amend these Activity Types
  • Opening up the relevant header and selecting the additional Activity Types you would like users to have to choose from within the project
  • Scroll to the bottom and then click Update Project Configuration
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