Creating Activities

Select the relevant project by either clicking on Projects or the project name (e.g. Employability) from the Performance report section. This will take you to the project dashboard.

The next step is to click Activities which will take you to the activities page. Next, select Add an activity in the Tools drop down.

This will take you through to the Add activity page, which provides a variety of fields for you to complete.

Note: All fields marked with a red asterix* are required fields. You will not be able to create an activity without completing the required fields.

Once you have entered the activity details you must click SAVE or SAVE AND ADD REGISTER. Clicking SAVE will take you back to the Activities page where you will be able to see your new activity. By clicking SAVE AND ADD SESSION you will be taken to the Add sessions page.

To find out more about Sessions please refer to the Sessions guide.

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