Changing / Updating fields within the form

If organisations need to add new fields to the form or change the wording of any of their custom fields already within the form this needs to be managed by going to Admin > Attendee data fields.

Add or update your fields here and then go to Admin > Attendee sign up to make sure these changes are reflected within the Attendee sign up form.

  • New custom attendee data fields - These will be presented on the right-hand side under Available form fields and users need to drag and drop these fields into the relevant order of their form on the left hand side. At the top of the form users should then click Save
  • Renaming of existing fields - If a field has been amended, in terms of either a rewording of the 'label' or a change to the help text, this will automatically reflect in the Attendee sign-up form.
  • Existing fields set to not displayed - If a previously used field has been sent to 'Not displayed' and had also previously been used in the organisation's Attendee sign-up form, the organisation will see it listed in the form builder page with the following message: 

As the message states, the field is no longer being displayed. Organisation's might find it helpful to remove this field from the list on the left-hand side to get a more accurate impression of what is currently being displayed. This can be done by clicking the cross highlighted above and then at the top of the form clicking Save.

Note: Any amendments to the external Attendee sign-up form will not alter the URL link for the form itself, ensuring that if the link has been shared previously it will still be relevant and the same one to use.  

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