Restricted Access to Media items

Access to individual media items can be restricted if required. This may be useful if the media item contains potentially sensitive information or should not be available to all users for any reason.

Restricting access to a Media item

When adding or editing a Media item on the system, users will have the option to restrict access to this item, as shown in the optional Step 4 below.

To restrict access simply select the names of the users that do need to access the media item. All users not selected will not have access to this item. If no-one is selected the media item will not be restricted and accessible to all.

Make sure to include yourself if needed when restricting access to a item, otherwise after the item has been uploaded you will lose access to the media item.

All users that are given restricted access to a media item can update who else has restricted access to that item. System Admins can also perform this function even if they are not in the restricted access set.

The presence of one of the below symbols will indicate if the media items have been restricted:

For Restricted items a user does not have access to:

The media item will not be available to view or download. These users would only be able to view the ‘Title’ of that media file.

When in the Media Library, users will see the following if a file has been restricted.

For these items, the Note icon displayed in the Media Library will not display the full range of associated information, such as the ‘attendee or session’ this item has been linked to. Instead, it will only present the following:

  • Source
  • Type
  • Size
  • Uploaded by
  • Uploaded on
  • Last edited by (if relevant)
  • Last edited on (if relevant)

If users apply filters in the Media Library any restricted items, they do not have access to, will not show in the results.

When on an attendee’s timeline, users will see the following for items they do not have access to.

Changing user access to restricted Media items

For individual items, either a user who currently has access to the restricted media item, or any System Admin, can amend the item and consequently users with access.

System Admins can also update their own or another user’s access to restricted Media items, via controls found in the Admin tab. Here you can 'Grant' or 'Remove' access for restricted media items.

It may be important to Grant access to restricted media files for a certain user.

It may be important to Remove access for a certain user as they may have moved into a new role in the organisation or no longer need access to this information.

For more information on how to complete this please refer to the guide here.

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