Reporting on Head Counts

Reporting - Statistics Report

To report on attendances across a whole project by Head Count Field, the Statistics Report can be used. 

This could be completed for the Upshot default field of 'Gender' which can also be used on head counts, or any of an organisations custom fields like below.

For the full guide on the Statistics Report please click here.
1) Attendances (all people) includes all attendances recorded on session registers and Head Count sessions. This would be applicable if this field was recorded as both a custom attendee field for individual participants & a custom Head Count field on Head Count registers.
2) The column Attendances (participants) that you would find on other Statistics Reports is not shown as Head Count sessions do not differentiate by Attendee Type.

Reporting - Attendance Report

To report on attendances across a set number of sessions the Attendance Report can be used. Head Count Fields are included in this report when filtering by Session type - Head Count

For the full guide to the Attendance Report, please click here

The  Attendance Report download includes all the Custom Head Count Fields that have been recorded against that activity. It will also include Custom Head Count Fields that are currently not displayed but may have data recorded against them from previous sessions. 

Reporting - Measured Indicators

The information you are collecting using  Head Count Fields can be tracked by Measured Indicators

For the full guide to Measured Indicators please click here
Head Count Fields can be included in three Indicator types:
Contact hours – This refers to the number of hours that an attendee spends in a session. For example: If a session lasts 2 hours and five people attend, that is 10 contact hours.
Number of attendances – This refers to the number of times participants have attended sessions. This would include both full register and head count sessions.
Number of attendances on head count sessions – This refers to the number of times participants have attended head count sessions.
Note: For Contact hours and Number of attendances, you will need to select 'Include head count session data?' to be able to track Head Count Fields. 
Only those Custom Head Count Fields that are also displayed as Custom Attendee Fields on the attendee registration form will be shown. This is because data will be pulled from both traditional registers and Head Count sessions.
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