
Emails can be sent from Upshot to your attendees and other Upshot users.

Whilst the email tool on Upshot is not a two way communication, it can provide a quick way of notifying individuals on your account, for things such as upcoming changes to session delivery.

Emailing Attendees

An email can be sent to a particular attendee by going to their individual profile and on the right-hand side under Tools clicking Email (Attendee Name).

Alternatively, emails can be sent by to one or more attendees via People > Email or directly from the People Report results.

If users have gone to this function via People > Email it is recommended to use the People Report filters to find the individuals they would like to send this email to.

For example, using the available filters here can help you to quickly find all the people that have been attending your activity over the last month if you need to let them know that an upcoming session is cancelled. 

Note (i): Only attendees that have a valid email address and have the Upshot default permission field 'Has consented to receive emails via Upshot' on their profile ticked will receive an email.

Note (ii): Emails cannot be sent to 'Archived' attendees. If the People Report is being used then the very top filter must be set to 'Active only' for the email option to be presented.

Constructing the Email

Once you have your desired attendees, you can either copy and edit from a previous sent email or enter a brand new Subject line and then input the email text in the Message text box, using the formatting tools available.

Note that users cannot add 'attachments' to the email but can add hyperlinks. Consequently if users would like to add an 'attachment' to their email, firstly add the chosen file as Media to your Upshot account. 

Once added Media files present a shareable URL link found in your Media Library ( Evidence > Show Media). This link can be added as a hyperlink to the email you plan to send.

Lastly, users should define who any replies to this email will be sent to. I.e. if an attendee receives the email and clicks to reply who should receive that email.

By default, this will show as the email address for the user completing the action on Upshot, but it might be helpful to change this to a more central email account for your organisation so anyone can pick up any queries/replies to the email.

Once received, here is an example of how the email will look for the recipient:

Emails will feature your organisation name as the sender (e.g. Upshot Webinar DO) and come from a email address. 

All attendees will be added via Blind Carbon Copy (BCC), meaning they will not see who else has received the email.

Attendees will always have the option to unsubscribe from future mailings in the footer of the mailing, this will update their permissions automatically on your Upshot account. 

Sent Emails

Users can review past emails sent out by their organisation or archive them if they prefer.

This can be done by going to People > Email.

On the right-hand side under Tools click Sent emails.

Here all emails sent will be listed.

Users can then choose to View the previous email sent. 

This page will detail: 

  • How many recipients the email was sent to
  • Which Upshot user sent it
  • The Date and Time sent
  • The 'Reply to' address
  • The Subject and Body of the email

The Recipient Information will let you know a bit of extra information around delivery (sent, rejected or bounced) but note this information only stays available within a month of sending an email.

Underneath this, if anyone has unsubscribed from your emails this will be detailed here.

Users also have the option to Archive emails sent if desired.

Emailing other Upshot users

If organisations would like to email other Upshot users on their account, this can be done via the home page by looking at the Last logins towards the bottom of the page and clicking Email alongside the relevant user.

This will open up a new email in your default Email tool for you to send.

Whitelisting Upshot email address

As is the case with all email platforms, emails sent via Upshot can land in the recipients spam due to the recipients mailbox settings.

For recipients experiencing this, it is advised that they take steps to 'whitelist' the Upshot email address or mark it as a 'safe sender.'

The steps needed can vary depending on the mailbox tool used, but more information can be found on some of the most commonly used below:

Sending Emails outside of Upshot's inbuilt tool

Organisations may have a preferred tool or method of communicating with their attendees and would prefer to use this rather than Upshot's inbuilt email tool.

In these cases these organisations may simply want to access the email addresses of their attendees to use with this other tool.

The quickest way to access the email address of several attendees at once is via a download of the People Report.

Filter originally within the report to find the relevant attendees and then in the download the email addresses will all be displayed within a column.

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