Note: Only users with the System Admin or Project Manager* role(s) can access Admin.
*Project Managers can 'Add or Edit locations' and 'Import Attendees' but cannot complete any of the other functions outlined in this document.
If your organisation is linked to a Facilitating Organisation account, what you can edit in the following functions may be restricted, this applies to Data Display Options, Attendee data fields, Timeline events, Activity Types and Strategies.
Show all users
Go to Admin > Show all users
This lists the Active accounts and Inactive accounts of users for your organisation.
Clicking update next to the relevant user profile allows you to change the following:
Update the role(s) a user holds and their project associations. Find out more about User Roleshere.
Changing the password for another user to allow them to log in if they have forgotten this. You can also update their username or email address. More about Changing passwords / username and account details for other users here.
Whether a user is Active / Inactive - untick the Account active? box for any users that no longer need access to your organisation's Upshot account. Find out more about Deactivating usershere.
Change user access to restricted media items. More about these controls here.
Change user access to restricted timeline events. More about these controls here.
Add New User
Go to Admin > Add new user
As a System Admin you can add new users to your Upshot account. On Upshot you have unlimited users at no extra cost and it is best practice that users do not share the same login.
For more information on Adding a New User please click here.
Data Display Options
Go to Admin> Data Display Options
Data display options allows you to customise your registration form and head count register, choosing which of the existing fields are displayed and required. From here you can also define what timeline events are displayed.
For more information on Data Display Options please click here.
For more information on Managing your Organisation's Timeline Event options please click here.
Attendee Data Fields
Go to Admin > Attendee Data Fields
Here you can Manage existing data fields you have created. This can be editing the options presented or changing the order of how these are displayed on your registration form by clicking and dragging the fields using the icon on the right-hand side:
Here you can also add a new data field for extra information you may collect on individuals outside of the Upshot Global fields via your registration form or via head count sessions. This new field can be any kind of information you collect.
For more information on Adding a new Attendee data field please click here.
Gender Field
Go to Admin > Gender Field
Here users have the flexibility to choose from a range of options that they can choose to display for Gender for their organisation. The options chosen will be visible under the Attendee data field as well as the demographic question of 'Gender' on Public Surveys.
Organisations can also choose to amend existing options to Not displayed if they have not already been used for attendee data or public survey responses.
For more information about the Gender field please click here.
Ethnicity Field
Go to Admin > Ethnicity Field
Here users can amend the options shown under the default Ethnicity field for their organisation. The options chosen will be visible under the Attendee data field as well as the demographic question of 'Ethnicity' on Public Surveys.
Organisations can also choose to amend existing options to Not displayed if they have not already been used for attendee data or public survey responses.
For more information about the Ethnicity field please click here.
Timeline Events
Go to Admin > Timeline Events
Here you can manage existing custom timeline events types your organisation has created. This can give you the opportunity to change the options presented under single choice timeline events.
You can also Adda new timeline event.
For more information on Managing your Organisation's Timeline Event options please click here.
Age Groupings
Go to Admin > Age Groupings
Here you can create custom age groups for use on the following reports:
If you do not create custom age groupings the default age ranges shown are: '0-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-17, 18-19, 20-24, 25-34, 35-49, 50-59, 60+ '
For more information on Age Groupings please click here.
Add Location
Go to Admin > Add Location
Location(s) allow you to record where sessions take place.
Every session on Upshot has to take place against a certain location. This can then be used for reporting purposes later. Here you can Add Location(s).
Note: Project Managers also have access to the Add Location function.
For more information on Locations please click here.
Edit Location
Go to Admin > Edit Location
From here you can view all the Location(s) already added to your account.
You will see a snapshot of the amount of times this location has been used and the last session that took place there.
You can choose to Edit a specific existing location which will allow you to amend any of the location details.
On the right-hand side under Tools you can download locations - this gives you more information around these locations including IMD data.
Activity Types
Go to Admin > Activity Types
Here you can add custom Activity Types.
Activity Types allow you to group activities across projects for reporting purposes. These can be added under one of the following headers:
Non-sport personal development, Sport personal development, Coached sport, Competitive sport, Informal (supervised) sport, ‘Management’ meeting/training, Tour, visit etc and Physical activity (non-sport) e.g. Dance.
Importantly these activity types then need to be associated with your project, if you already have a refined list in place.
Note: If your account is linked to a Facilitating Organisation please do speak to them before adding. Similarly if you cannot see any of your existing activity types listed here please contact to assist you in this.
For more information on Activity Types please click here.
Go to Admin > Strategies
Strategies provide a cumulative group that your outcomes sit within. These are often seen as the impact or long-term effect of programming.
Here you can add new strategies or new outcomes to existing strategies.
If new outcomes and strategies are added they still need to be assigned to a project. This can be completed in the General section of a project. This is required for the outcomes to be presented when associating activities and timeline events on the system later.
Strategies may be determined from the Facilitating Organisation account. Please get in touch with either your contact there or with Upshot if you do not currently see any Strategies showing.
For more information on Strategies and Outcomes please click here.
Standardised questions
Go to Admin > Standardised questions
Users can go to this page to create their own Standardised Questions to be used in surveys or review existing Standardised Questions.
For more information on Standardised Questions please click here.
Funding Organisations
Go to Admin > Funding Organisations
In the General section of a project there is information around the Finance of this project. Funding Organisations can be added to indicate the different funders the financing has come from.
The total funding amount for a project can provide some basic cost analysis on the Statistics Report.
For more information on Funding Organisations please click here.
Sent Emails
Go to Admin > Sent Emails
Here you can see all emails sent out from your organisation via Upshot’s email tool. This does not include sent survey emails. You can also archive old emails and send out new ones from this page.
This option will be presented if the external Attendee sign up form is activated on your account. Here you have the option to edit the layout of the form.
For more information on the Attendee sign-up form please click here.
If you would like the Attendee Sign up Form to be activated on your account please contact .
Pseudonymisation Log
Pseudonymisation takes away the personal identifiers of an attendee that is no longer active on your account.
The Pseudonymisation Log downloads a CSV file of all attendees Pseudonymised on your account. This lists the date they were pseudonymised, their first and last name as well as their new public identifier on your account.
Note: Pseudonymisation of an attendee cannot be reversed.
To find out more about Pseudonymisation please click here.
Importing Attendees
Bulk Importing Attendees are a way of adding New Attendees to your Upshot account. Rather than manually adding new attendees via People > Add New or asking potential participants to complete the external Attendee sign-up form, bulk uploads give organisations a way of adding multiple attendees to their account at once with up to 500 attendees able to be uploaded with every saved file.
For more information on Bulk Importing Attendees please click here.
As part of the Upshot Community Webinar series in 2021 a thirty minute webinar was delivered called System Admin - How to manage your Organisation's Upshot account and covered all the different areas available under the Admin tab.
15:00 - Data fields, Timeline Events and Data Display options
25:07 - Attendee sign-up form and Bulk Importing Attendees
33:00 - Age Groupings
35:59 - Sent Emails
37:50 - Pseudonymisation Log
40:50 - Location
42:55 - Activity Types, Strategies & Outcomes
46:33 - Registers
47:32 - Funding Organisations
50:52 - Standardised Questions & Surveys
53:18 - Media
Key Terms
Activity types:
Activity types are a way of classifying activities for reporting across projects. For example, if you run Boys Football as one activity and Girls Football as another activity you could give them an activity type of ‘Football’. This will allow you to report on everything with an activity type of ‘Football’ altogether. Similarly, you could have an activity type called ‘Skills and Learning’ and this would allow you to report on all your activities across different projects associated with this activity type in one go. An activity type is required when adding an activity.
Attendee Data Fields:
These are extra custom fields, that your organisation wishes to collect information on. These will be presented on either your registration form for attendees or as additional fields on your headcount register. Changes can be made to these by a System Administrator.
Note extra fields created by your Facilitating Organisation may be also be present on your registration form and headcount register.
Attendee sign up form:
This is an external registration form, which can be sent out via a public form URL or by embedding on your own website. This allows attendees to register themselves onto your database. The attendees get no access to the Upshot account. For more information on this please refer to the External Attendee sign up form guide.
Bulk Importing Attendees:
A process by which new participants registration data, in the form of a CSV file, can be uploaded on mass to Upshot. To find out more about this please click here.
Custom Head Count Fields:
These are additional custom fields defined by your organisation and will be presented on your head count registers. These allow you to gain more information from your head count sessions. The Upshot default for head counts is total participants, age range and gender. A System Admin will be able to customise the fields presented.
Custom Head count fields can only be single-choice or tickbox fields. A single choice field will allow you to enter figures that add to a total up to, and including, the total number of participants, whilst a tickbox field is binary. This mean that for a tickbox field the numbers submitted for the two options must always equal the total of participants. Data Fields can also be restricted by project, to find out more about this click here.
Facilitating Organisation:
In Upshot there are two platforms - one for facilitating organisations, often used by funders, and another for delivery organisation accounts, where the attendee and session information is inputted. Facilitating Organisations accounts can be thought of as an over-arching account linked to a number of Delivery Organisation accounts. If applicable, information feeds through from the Delivery Organisation level to the higher Facilitating Organisation level for reporting purposes. However, this isn't a necessity and delivery organisation accounts are not always linked to a facilitating organisation account.
Any location, venue or site where activities take place.
Pseudonymisation is a function that replaces or removes information that identifies an individual. This allows you to delete personal information you no longer want or need to keep, without erasing the attendee’s participation data. Once attendees are pseudonymised they are instantly archived. This means they are no longer included in active searches.
In addition, personal identifiers are deleted or scrambled and only historical participation data is retained.
N.B.: It is not possible to reverse pseudonymisation of an attendee. Once the system has removed the personal identifiers of an attendee, they cannot be recovered. For more information on this please refer to the Pseudonymisation guide.
Project Restrictions:
Custom Data Fields can also be restricted by project(s). Making these fields only viewable to users associated with that project. This can help to customise the length of your registration form and limit the number of users that can view and report on certain information. To find out more about this please click here.
A cumulative group or banner that outcomes sit within. Often seen as the impact or long-term effect of programming. Most organisations have a long-term vision, strategy or theory of change. This defines what change in society they hope to achieve. Each project or piece of work that they undertake should have direct outcomes, pre-conditions that bring about this long-term change. Outcomes are the change you are working towards (e.g. reducing inactivity in young people). This is different from outputs, which is the quantifiable product of your activities (e.g. 30 young people attended our fitness sessions in three months).
Timeline Event:
Each attendee on the system has a timeline and you can track points of interest on their journey as "timeline events". These record what has happened or changed with a participant outside of regular session data and can often be viewed as individual outcomes from participating in the project. These events can be customised, and the system also contains a variety of example timeline events that can be used.
You also have the option for Restricted Timeline Events, this means that only certain users can view and report on these timeline events. This may be useful if the timeline events contain potentially sensitive information.
To find out more about Timeline Events please click here.
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