Session Report (Individual Attendee)

On a individual attendee's profile it is possible to view all the information from the registers for the sessions they have attended. 

This can be done by using the Session Report which is found on an attendee's profile:

On screen this will display all the sessions this individual has attended. 

By default this will show the full date range of sessions attended by the individual and so it may be helpful to use the Date Filters for a specific time frame and then Refine Results.

On screen the information presented for each session will include the Date, Activity, Location, Facility, Rating, Paid?, Volunteer, Volunteer role and Notes.

Note: Some of these columns (Facility, Rating, Paid? Volunteer Role) will only show if relevant to the 'Location' of the session the attendee has participated in, or recorded against the attendee for any of the sessions they have participated in.

These are all aspects that can be captured on a register against each attendee.

Users can also click on the 'Date' of a specific session, within the Session Report, to be taken directly to that register.

The Session Report for an attendee can also be downloaded.

The download will also give you additional information on the sessions attended such as the Project, Activity Type, Activity Group and Session Attendance Time (mins).

Additional Tools

Information around an individual's attendance can also be viewed in the summary on the right-hand side of their profile:

Or via the Attendee Report, this report (often the basis of a case study) will highlight Attendance, Timeline Events and Media associated with the attendee.

Alternatively users may want to access information around multiple attendees in relation to the information presented on the register, if so, this should be done via the Attendance Report.

Key Terms

Session Report (Individual):

On an individual attendee’s profile users have the option to view their Session Report. This will detail all the sessions that individual has attended as well as information around ‘  Rating, Volunteer, Volunteer role and Notes.’ This can be filtered by a specific time frame and downloaded.
If users had wanted to see specific information on all attendees from a group of sessions, they should use the Attendance Report
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