Map Report

The Map Report provides you with a visual representation of where your attendees are coming from to take part in the sessions you hold, the Location of these sessions, and where your attendees who are yet to participate in one of your sessions are from.

For a statistical breakdown of attendees who come from a specific area, users should refer to the People Report.

The Map Report can be filtered to show attendees of sessions from a specific Project, by a number of demographic categories, and by date.

The Map Report can be useful to simply view where your attendees are coming from, assess whether there are areas that you could target in the future for greater engagement and check that where you deliver your activity is suitable for your attendees. Users can also add Overlays to the report for greater analysis and help understand the levels of deprivation, population density or physical activity in the areas your attendees come from.

The Map Report relies on the use of the Postcode field within your registration form. If the Postcode field is not currently within your registration form, a user with the Admin role can add this by making the Core address fields displayed within the data display options of your account. The most recent update of the Postcode data held within Upshot was in December 2022.

The report is available to users with the Project Director or Project Manager role.

Accessing the Map Report

To access the Map Report, go to Reports > Map.

From here, you are taken to the Map Report page. The report is contained within one screen.

The left portion of the screen contains different filter options, allowing you to select which attendees and locations are displayed within the report.

The main central part of the screen is taken up by the map, showing you the locations of Attendees and your Locations.

On the right, icons are available to help navigate the map, by making the map full screen, or zooming in or out to different levels.

Unlike other reports within Upshot, there is no direct download option for the Map Report system. Users who wish to use the map visualisation outside of Upshot are advised to take a print screen of the page. There are a number of methods to do this, including using the Print Screen key on a keyboard, the Snipping Tool - with Windows 7, 8 and 10 - or using a combination of the Windows key, Shift and S on Windows 10, to take a custom sized screenshot, which also has built in mark up features. Users of Google Chrome can also make use of the extension Go Full Page which will take a screenshot of the current open window.

Map Icons and navigation

Within the Map Report, there are several icons to represent your data.


Icons of people in black show your attendees who have participated in at least one session of the projects selected. Those users with access to personal details can click on the people icons to find the name of the attendee.

Icons of people in grey show those attendees on your account who are yet to engage in an activity, or are only within registers of draft or abandoned sessions.


The red pin shows the location of your organisation.

Green balloons show the locations of your sessions. The number of sessions held at each location will be displayed within the balloon.

Facilitating Organisations will be able to view the location of their associated Delivery Organisations using yellow pins.


When first loaded, the Map Report will centre on the red pin that marks the location of your organisation. If this location is incorrect, please get in contact with us here.

You may have data plotted on the map which you cannot see immediately without moving around the map. There are several features that help you navigate around the map to view all of your relevant data.

Firstly, you may wish to view the map in full screen, using the toggle to full screen icon in the top right hand corner of the map.

You can also zoom in and out to different levels by using the icons in the bottom right hand corner of the map.

Zoom levels can also be controlled by using the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

In order to move around the map, left click on the map and, whilst holding down the left mouse button, move your mouse in order to pull the map in the desired direction.


The Map Report includes a series of filters to the left hand side of the screen to help you select the data which is most relevant.

Date ranges

The first filter is for the date range applied to the map. Users can select the month and year that they want to view engagement from and to. The selections available will be based on the first and last sessions held within a users account. By default, the date range will cover all sessions held.

If the date range is narrowed, attendees on the map who have participated in the selected project(s) in that time frame will remain on the map.

Users also have the option to continue to show those attendees on screen that did not participate within the selected timeframe, but have attended the selected project(s) at any point. This can be done via the Only within this timeframe / All filter. Attendees that participated in the timeframe will remain in black, those attendees shown in grey have attended a session outside of the timeframe.


The Attendees filter section contains 5 options for selecting which attendees are shown on the map.

Select projects

Firstly, users can choose which Projects they are interested in. Here, single or multiple Projects can be selected. Attendees who have participated in a session within the selected Projects will then appear on the map. For example in the below screenshot, only attendees who have participated in a session within the Arts, Mental Health or Reducing Reoffending projects are displayed on the map, whilst those who have only attended the Sport project are not. If an attendee has participated in both Sport and Arts, they will still be displayed on the map.

Gender, Ethnicity and Age Group

Attendees can also be selected on the map by the 3 demographic filters of Gender, Ethnicity and Age group. These fields are all linked to the Core fields within an account. It should be noted that, whilst Gender cannot be hidden, the Ethnicity and Date of Birth core fields may have been hidden on a user's account and replaced with a Custom Attendee Field, in order to have bespoke options for these data fields. In this instance, Ethnicity or Age would not link to the Map filter functionality.

If you would like to make use of these filters but do not currently have them displayed within your Registration Form, System Admins can customise an account's fields within Data display options. Gender and Ethnicity options can also be customised from a set list when using the Core fields by System Admins.

Age group is determined both by the Core field of Date of Birth, as well as the Age group settings within a user's account. The default Age groups can be seen in the image below, as well as a link to customise the account's Age groups. Additionally, the user can choose by which date the ages should be calculated. This will be the current date by default, but could be changed to the beginning or end of a programme, for example.

Project attendance

By default, the Map Report will show attendees who have been submitted on a register within your selected projects above. This can be seen with the radio buttons of Only in these projects and All. If All is selected, the Report will show all attendees of the selected projects in black and add in those attendees who have yet to be submitted on a register within the selected projects in grey. In the example below, attendees who have been submitted on a register in the Arts, Mental health or Reducing Reoffending projects are shown in black on the map, whilst those who have only attended Sport or not attended any sessions are displayed in grey


As with attendees, the locations displayed on the report can also be filtered by project under the Places dropdown. A single project or multiple projects can be selected, determining which green location balloons are displayed. Only those locations which have had a session submitted for them within the selected projects will display on the map.

Note that Facilitating Organisations will have the option to filter 'Attendees' and 'Places' by both 'Programme' and 'Deliverers.'


Alongside displaying locations and attendees, users can apply a number of Overlays to the Map Report to learn more about the context of the areas from which their attendees come. Overlays display demographic statistics for the wider population of an area, unrelated to an organisation's attendees.

Overlays are a powerful way of demonstrating that the attendees an organisation engages with come from areas which it might be targeting, for example areas of high deprivation. Equally, organisations can use overlays to understand where they may need to focus on attracting new attendees, in order to work in areas which better represent their desired outcomes from engagement.

Overlay boundaries

Overlays are enabled by nation, with overlays currently available for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The boundaries displayed within the nation can then be selected from a number of different options, ranging from region (e.g. South East or North West of England) at the largest boundary size, to Local Authority, Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs) at the smallest.

The overlays available vary by nation, whilst the boundary sizes available to view vary by nation and overlay type. If the LSOA boundary size is greyed out, the user may need to zoom in further on the map to select this option.

In the example below, boundaries have been applied to show the outline of Local Authorities within England.


The Population overlay will visualise the Population density of each area of the chosen boundary size. Areas of higher population density will be shown in dark brown, with areas become lighter the less densely populated they are. These colours are split into 5 quintiles, showing which percent an area is in compared to other areas. For example, an area in the lightest colour, with a percent of 15%, would be in the top 20% least populated areas in the nation.

In the image below, the user has selected to show the Population overlay for England by Local Authority. The Local Authority of Tower Hamlets has been selected, showing the boundary of the Local Authority, as well as information to show that the area is in the 99th percentile of most densely populated Local Authorities in the nation, and the number of people within this area, along with the number of people per square mile.

Population density can be based on all ages, or a specific age range, using the slider on the left of the screen. For example, the overlay can be modified to show the relative population density of areas for those aged 18-35.

The Population overlay is available for all countries and all boundary sizes apart from the MSOA level in Northern Ireland.

The current Population density data is from 2016.

Index of Multiple Deprivation

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) overlays allow users to visualise the deprivation of areas they are working in based on a nation within the UK's Indices of Deprivation. For a statistical breakdown of attendees by IMD score, users should refer to the People Report.

Indices of Deprivation are a measure of relative deprivation at a small local area level. This data is produced on a nation by nation basis, with the method of calculation and publication devolved to each nation in the UK. Areas are ranked within a nation based on a number of domains. For more information about each nation's IMD scores, see the links below.

Users are able to view an overlay for the Overall IMD score for a nation - a combination of all domains that make up its Indices of Deprivation - or an individual domain, such as deprivation measured by Income, Employment or Crime. A common use of the IMD score is for an organisation to aim to work with a high proportion of attendees who come from one of the 20% most deprived areas in the nation.

Once one of these measures has been chosen, the areas selected by a user to display will be coloured from light to dark, with the lightest areas representing the least deprived areas, and darkest areas representing the most deprived areas.

In the image below, the user has selected to view the Overall IMD score for England on a Local Authority basis. On the map, the Local Authority of Newham has been highlighted, with its boundaries visible, and information can be seen that Newham is in the top 3% most deprived Local Authorities in England based on its IMD score. It is therefore shaded in the darkest coloured quintile.

The current IMD overlay data is from:

  • 2019 for England
  • 2019 for Wales
  • 2020 for Scotland
  • 2017 for Northern Ireland

Data is updated whenever a new dataset is made available.

Active Lives

The Active Lives overlays allow organisations to view activity levels by Local Authority or Region within England based on Sport England's Active Lives survey.

The overlay has 3 options, Active, Fairly Active and Inactive. For each overlay, the map will display how many people within the selected region fall within these categories of activity level. The 3 levels are defined by the number of minutes an individual is physically active per week:

  • Active - An average of 150+ minutes a week
  • Fairly Active - An average of 30-149 minutes a week
  • Inactive - Less than an average of 30 minutes a week

Across all regions of England, a majority of people are within the Active category.

Unlike other map overlays, the 5 colour bands for Active Lives overlays vary depending on the overlay and area selected to show. However the size of the bands will always be equal. For example, in the image below, the user has chosen to display the Inactive overlay for Local Authorities. Those areas with the highest proportion of individuals who are inactive are in the band of 33.8%-38.8%.

Therefore, if a user wants to find Local Authorities with the greatest amount of inactivity, they would use the Inactive overlay and look for the darkest coloured areas. If they wanted to find the Local Authorities with the smallest proportions of active individuals, they would use the Active overlay and look for the lightest coloured areas.

The current Active Lives data within the Map Report is from the 2018/19 Active Lives Survey.

NS-SEC (National Statistics Socio-economic Classification)

The NS-SEC overlay displays the percent of individuals within English MSOAs or LSOAs whose work status is "Semi-Routine, Routine or Unemployed" based on the Office for National Statistics' (ONS) National Statistics Socio-economic Classification. The NS-SEC comprises 8 analytic classes:

  1. Higher managerial, administrative and professional occupations
  2. Lower managerial, administrative and professional occupations
  3. Intermediate occupations
  4. Small employers and own account workers
  5. Lower supervisory and technical occupations
  6. Semi-routine occupations
  7. Routine occupations
  8. Never worked and long-term unemployed

The Upshot NS-SEC overlay displays the percent of individuals in an area who are within classes 6, 7 and 8.

The current NS-SEC data on the Map Report is from 2011.


The Boundaries overlay simply displays the outline of the different boundaries of Region, Local Authority, MSOA and LSOA for all countries within the Map Report.

As with other overlays, the user must be zoomed in sufficiently for the LSOA area to be available.

Open Green Spaces

Rather than ranking areas based on a characteristic, the Open Green Spaces overlay displays the open green spaces in your local area from the Ordnance Survey Data Hub.

External Mapping Tools

Organisations may look to utilise their Upshot data on other external mapping tools, such as Google My Maps.

Often elements such as the Postcode or Longitude and Latitude are key to allow attendees, or locations, to be mapped. This information is available via a People Report export for an organisation's attendees or the Location's export for sites where delivery is taking place.

As noted when downloading the People Report, this export contains personal data and carries GDPR risks when using the data. Unless required, it is best practice to remove identifying information from your data before using it with external tools.

Key Terms

Active Lives:

Sport England run 2 national surveys, Active Lives Adult and Active Lives Children and Young People, to measure physical activity levels within England. Physical activity is measured as bouts of 10 minutes or more of at least moderate intensity across a range of activities including cycling for sport and leisure or travel, walking for leisure or travel, dance, sporting activities and fitness activities. Minutes of activity contribute towards 1 of 3 activity levels: inactive, fairly active and active.

Core Fields:

Core Fields are the default Upshot fields that are available within all Upshot accounts. The majority of these have the option to be displayed or not displayed given the requirements of the organisation. Core Fields include fields relating to Basic details of an attendee, such as their first name, surname, gender, date of birth, Contact details, Medical details, Equalities fields such as ethnicity and faith, Educational establishment details, Memberships and Permissions fields.

The Map Report utilises the Core address field of postcode in order to plot where attendees are located, and therefore this field must be displayed on an account in order for users to make use of the report.

Data Display Options:

Data Display Options determine which fields are used within an organisation's account. These can be modified by System Admins by going to Admin > Data display options. It is necessary to set the Core address fields to displayed in order to record attendee postcodes and make full use of the Map Report.

For more information please refer to the short video here.

Index of Multiple Deprivation:

Indices of Deprivation are a widely used measure of relative deprivation at a small local area level within the UK. Datasets are devolved to the nations of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The calculation of an overall IMD score differs between nations, but all are based on the scores and weightings of a number of domains of deprivation, such as income, employment and health.


A location on Upshot is any venue or site where activities take place. This may be a  Local Community Hall, a Sports Centre or even Online. Any location with a valid UK postcode will be displayed within the Map Report as a Place.


The National Statistics Socio-economic classification (NS-SEC) is a socio-economic classification system in the UK, widely used to show the structure of socio-economic positions and analyse variations in social behaviour and other social phenomena.


Overlays display demographic statistics for the wider population of an area chosen by the user. Areas are coloured depending on the relative rank of each area for the selected overlay. For example, if using the population density overall, areas with the greatest population density will be displayed in the darkest gradient, while the least densely populated will have the lightest gradient.

Population Density:

Population density refers to the concentration of individuals within a specific area, or the total number of individuals within the area divided by the size of the area. Those areas with a greater number of individuals per unit of area are more densely populated than areas with fewer individuals for the same unit of area.


Projects are ways of dividing up the work you deliver as an organisation. Access to projects can be restricted for each Upshot user. Within the Map Report, attendees can be filtered to only show those who have attended sessions within a specific project.

For more information please refer to the short video here.

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