Changing User access to Restricted Timeline Events

System Admins can update their own or another user’s access to Restricted Timeline Events. Here you can Grant or Remove access for restricted timeline events.

It may be important to Grant access to restricted Timeline Events for a certain user to complete reporting.
It may be important to Remove access for a certain user as they may have moved into a new role in the organisation or no longer need access to this information.

Changing access on individual restricted Timeline Events

Search for the relevant Attendee profile and go to their Timeline.

Find the relevant restricted Timeline Event and click Edit.

Note: Only users with access to this restricted Timeline Event, or System Admins, would have the option to Edit or Delete this restricted Timeline Event.

Update the users under Restricted access and click Save

Changing access to restricted Timeline Events in bulk

To do this in bulk for multiple restricted timeline events:
• Go to  Admin > Show all users
• Click  update next to the appropriate user whose access you want to update (this could be yourself)
• On the right-hand side under Tools click Restricted timeline events: Manage user access 
• Here you can grant/remove access to various restricted timeline events by type (e.g. 'Accreditations')
Note: You are only granting access to existing timeline events. If restricted events are added later this process would need to be repeated. It is important to communicate at an organisation level which users needs to be included with regards to restricted access when timeline events are added.

View user restricted Timeline Events

This feature allows System Admins to view the restricted Timeline Events another user has access to. 

  • Go to Admin > Show all users
  • Click update next to the appropriate user
  • On the right hand side under Tools, select Restricted Timeline Events: View restricted Timeline items

Here the System Admin can remove access to individual restricted Timeline Events for another user if needed.

There is also the filter on the right-hand side for Attendee. By using this a System Admin could remove access to any restricted Timeline Events for a particular user in relation to a particular attendee, perhaps if they no longer work closely with them.

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