Creating your Attendee Sign-up Form

Note: In order to access the Attendee Sign-up Form, the main administrator within your organisation will need to contact Upshot to arrange for this free function to be made available on your account.

When the Attendee sign-up forms function has been made available, it will sit under Admin > Attendee sign-up forms.

From the Attendee sign-up forms page, click on Create a new form within the Tools section. You can also choose to copy an existing form.

Organisations may choose to have one Attendee sign-up form or multiple different forms that could be used to tailor your forms to specific audiences such as 'Children / Adult Forms' , 'Referral Forms' , 'Volunteers' or 'Project Specific Forms.'

Once you have clicked Create a new form the screenshot below outlines the interface that you will see.

Give the Attendee sign-up form a Title. If you would like the title displayed on the form tick ‘Display title on form?

From the Available form fields section on the right hand-side of your screen, use the + button on the relevant field bars to add them into the main body of the form. You can also drag and drop the fields if you wish.

Five fields will be required in all circumstances: First name, Gender, Age, Email address and Attendee Privacy. These are marked with a red asterisk *. 

This is in line with either the requirements of Upshot (‘First name’ and ‘Gender’) or by GDPR as standard practice for online forms to ensure organisations meet their requirements as data controllers (‘Age’ and ‘Attendee Privacy’). ‘Age’impacting on who is giving their consent for the attendee to register with your services, whilst ‘Attendee Privacy’ reflects permissions to actions that can be completed with attendees on the system such as photo content or receiving emails from your organisation. Lastly ‘Email address’ is required to ensure organisations have a way of communicating with those that have completed the form in case any elements require clarity.

For any further fields you wish to make mandatory on the form, tick the Required? box. 

If there are any fields you wish to complete internally as an organisation, simply leave them off this external facing registration form. These can be filled out at a later stage, internally, before the profile is added to the system.
The external Attendee sign-up form offers two additions to the registration form layout, Section Title and Information Panel. Section title can be used to divide up different sections of the registration form e.g. you could have Attendee Basic details as one title and then Demographic details as another.

'Age' and Contact Relationship fields

'Age' is one of the required fields that needs to be added to your Attendee sign-up form and will appear like so for those completing the form.

If individuals indicate they are under 16 (in the above example), through either their D/O/B or not ticking the box shown, then the form will present the following 'Contact relationship fields' which will need to be completed by the appropriate adult (Parent, Guardian, Other) who is giving their consent for the young person being registered.

This field works automatically in this way to enable organisations using the form, as the 'Data Controllers', to be GDPR compliant for any young individuals registering with themselves.

When creating the form, organisations can set an age of consent between 13 and 18.

The minimum that the 'Age of consent' can be set is 13, meaning that individuals can give their own consent without these additional contact details appearing. This minimum age of 13, is in line with UK GDPR guidance. Organisations may wish to refer to ICO guidance when deciding on the 'Age of consent' for their own form.

Note: 'Contact relationship fields' must be set as, at least, 'Displayed, but not Required' via your Data Display Options

Without this field set to 'Displayed, but not required' those under the 'Age of consent' you have indicated will not be able to complete the external registration form, as they would not be presented with the contact details section.

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