Timeline Events Report

The Timeline Events Report has two elements. 

  1. The ability to see on screen the number of times a certain Timeline Event has been recorded or the number of attendees who have this Timeline Event recorded against their profile.
  2. The option to then download this information around your Timeline Events. Allowing the user to see more around the detail of the Timeline Events, such as the associated 'Projects, Activities, Outcomes and the Recording user', as well as enabling users to carry out more complex reporting if desired.

Timeline Events Report - 'On Screen'

Use the Timeline Events Report to find the number of times a certain Timeline Event has been recorded or the number of attendees who have this Timeline Event recorded against their profile.

Go to Reports > Timeline Events
The report is broken down into sections. 
Total – the total values across all Timeline Events
Your event types – any values for any Custom Timeline Events you have created
Global event types – any values for any Global event types you have used such as Accreditation 
Delivery Organisation Custom event types – only Facilitating Organisations will see this option. This will be a total for any custom event types created by Delivery Organisations linked to their account.

Note: Only timeline events which have been used and have values recorded against them will be shown in the report. 

For each Timeline Event type shown a figure will be represented for both Events and Attendees. 
Events - show the total number of times this timeline event has been recorded (e.g. there are 28 Accreditations recorded).
Attendees - show the number of unique attendees who have this timeline event recorded on their profile. One attendee may have multiple events recorded (e.g. 20 unique attendees have Accreditations.)

For event types that are Single-choice drop down, A number or Yes/No you will have the option to expand this by clicking on the + on the right-hand side to see a breakdown for relevant values underneath.

Use the filters on the right-hand side to narrow down your report to Timeline Events recorded within a certain time period, associated to certain Projects/Activities or your Outcomes.

Downloading the Report

Users also have the option to export their Timeline Event information using this report. They can either select to Download or Download via Email.

This allows the user to see the detail of the Timeline Events, such as the associated 'Projects, Activities, Outcomes and the Recording user', as well as enabling users to carry out more complex reporting if desired.


(i) Users can choose to ‘include attendee personal details’ when using the ‘Download via email’ option.

(ii) Users will be restricted to the ‘Download via email’ if their file contains more than 10,000 'items' (Timeline events x unique attendees)

Users are encouraged to use the filters available on the right-hand side before downloading, to make the exported information as relevant as possible. For instance, selecting filters related to a ‘Date Range, Event Type(s), Project(s) or Strategies/Outcomes.’

Users can also report on Timeline Events via the People and Attendee Reports, to find out more click here.

The export will contain five tabs:

  • Info
  • Raw - Attendee and event type
  • By attendee and event type
  • Raw - Outcomes
  • By outcome

This will detail key criteria of the report, such as the date generated and any filters selected. It will also highlight key rules around how the Timeline Event data is presented across the export, in relation to things such as Restricted Timeline Events and Restricted Attendee Profiles.

Raw – Attendee and event type

This lists each individual instance of a Timeline Event on a separate row and contains all associated information about this apart from outcomes.

Using the filters at the top of this tab can allow users to focus on Timeline Events added to a certain attendee or by a certain user as well as other areas that may be of interest.

By attendee and event type

This groups the Timeline Event information for each of the attendees in the download, presenting a succinct format that lists their name, the 'Event type', 'Event value' and 'Total timeline' events for that attendee.

Raw - Outcomes

This provides the same information for each outcome as the 'Raw – Attendee and event type' tab, with the addition of the associated outcomes. A Timeline Event is repeated on multiple rows if it is associated to more than one outcome. 

E.g. if a Timeline Event is connected to three outcomes, the event will be repeated on three rows. The rows will be identical apart from the three different outcomes associated to the event.

Again, using the filters at the top of this tab of the report can allow users to focus on particular areas that may be of interest.

By outcome

This tab groups the Timeline Event information in relation to each outcome. This allows users to see the instances of Timeline Events that relate to specific outcomes and some key information around them, as well as the Total amount of Timeline Events linked to that outcome.

For any instances of Timeline Events that were not connected to any outcomes, they will be grouped under 'No outcomes associated.'

Facilitating Organisation (FO) - Additional Rules

Facilitating Organisation users will only have this option to download the report if they have ‘full access’ to associated Delivery Organisations connected to their account.

If they do, there is also additional criteria presented on screen and below that they need to be aware of detailing what information is presented in their download:

  • The download will only contain Timeline Event information of those attendees that have attended programmes which the user has access to, and are connected to your Facilitating Organisation.
  • Only attendees from Delivery Organisations that your Facilitating Organisation has full access to will show in the download. E.g. if some connected Delivery Organisations are ‘exempt’ from sharing full information, they will not be included in the download.
  • The download will contain both Global and Facilitating Organisation custom Timeline Event information. It will not contain information on any Delivery Organisation custom Timeline Events. It will also not contain any Timeline Events associated with ‘private projects’ at the Delivery Organisation level.

Reporting Template - Recording User

Organisation's can also use a pre-built Reporting Template to report by user in relation to Timeline Events. By copying data from a Timeline Event Report export into the pre-built Reporting Template organisations can quickly see key stats around the amount and type of Timeline Events recorded by each Upshot user, as well as the link between the user and attendees in terms of Timeline Events. 

To access and find out more around the reporting template, please click here.

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