Viewing, Editing and Deleting Sessions
After Sessions have been initially created, users may need to view, edit or delete them.
Viewing & Editing Sessions
To view the sessions added within a project users will need to click on the Sessions List.
Whilst this page also presents the ability to move the session and associated details, such as register or head count, and any session notes to a different Activity within the same Project. Note, any Media or Timeline Events associated to the original session would need to have their associations amended manually.
Editing Sessions can also be done on mass via the Edit draft sessions page, accessible via the Activities tab.
Deleting Sessions
Note: If a register / head count has been added, this must be 'removed' first if you want to delete the session. For 'Register' sessions more about this can be found here. For more about deleting 'Head Count' sessions please refer to this guide.
From here you can remove multiple sessions (with no registers or head counts submitted) at once.
This can either be done for individual sessions by ticking the Remove? tick box and then clicking Save.
Alternatively, users can select one of the two options near the top of the screen.
1. To check all the 'Remove?' tick boxes at once, users can click on the Remove? > All button on the left-hand side. This can be helpful if users have a long list of sessions they would like to remove, and they can then just untick the few they want to keep before hitting Save at the bottom.
2. If all sessions need to be removed and none need to be kept, clicking the REMOVE ALL button in red on the right-hand side will be the quickest way to do this. Selecting this button brings up a confirmation message for users confirming they want to remove all the sessions listed.