Attendee sign-up waiting list

Completed forms can be found on the Attendee sign-up waiting list which sits under the People tab.

Note: For more information on potential duplicates please view the guide here.

Users with the Project manager, Session Registrar or Team manager role can view and accept/reject individuals from the waiting list.

If all required fields are complete you can click ACCEPT to add the attendee to your account. 

Please note: Attendees cannot be accepted if there are missing required fields. This will happen should there be required fields that are on the Upshot internal registration form, that are not presented on the external Attendee sign up form.  
If there are missing required fields you must click EDIT & ACCEPT, fill in all the missing required fields and then click SAVE CHANGES AND ACCEPT ATTENDEE to add them to your account.
If you do not want to add the attendee to your account, click REJECT. If REJECT is clicked, the attendee information will not be retained and cannot be recovered. 

Use the Sign-up form filter within the Tools section to view the attendees who have signed up using specific forms.

You can also view forms by clicking on the sign-up form name. If you are unable to click on a form, this will indicate the Attendee sign-up form has been made inactive.

The Audit log can be used to review a full history of accepted/rejected forms that have passed through the waiting list.

Users can also later identify those attendees that have been added to the system via the Attendee sign-up form function. This information would be found on the 'Summary' on an attendees profile or in a export of the People Report under the column titled Added via.

Sign-up reference

When completing the form individuals will receive an automated sign-up reference. The sign-up reference can firstly be helpful if an organisation is contacted by someone that completed the form and they still sit within your Attendee sign-up waiting list.

For any attendees that have been 'Accepted' onto the system, the sign-up reference can be used in the search bar to find the relevant attendee.

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