This guide aims to assist System Administrators when creating accounts for new users of the Upshot system. On Upshot each user should have their own login and password and organisations have unlimited user accounts.
Note: Only users with the System Admin role can add other new users to the system.
Firstly, log in to your account as normal. On the main menu bar, select the Admin dropdown menu and select Add new user.
You will then be taken to the Add user page:
To find out more about the different User Roles please click here.
For more information on the user roles available to Facilitating Organisations please click here.
If the user has been created successfully the following message will appear at the top of your screen:
Activation Email
An email will then be sent to the email address you entered:
This is a two-step process:
1. The user clicks on this link to activate their account.
2. They will then be sent a subsequent email with a link to set their password for the new account.
Just as before the user needs to click on the link. This time they will be prompted to enter a password for their account. *
Note the password must meet the following criteria:
Your password can't be too similar to your other personal information (name, username or email address)
Your password must contain at least 12 characters
Your password can't be entirely numeric
Your password can't be a commonly used password
Once they have done this, they need to click Set/Reset my password. They will then be prompted to Sign In to their newly created Upshot user account, using their username and password.
*Note these links are time sensitive:
The 'Activation Link' expires after 10 days if not clicked on
The 'password reset link' expires after 1 day
If the new user has not activated themselves in time, System Admins can manually activate users or set initial passwords, more about this can be found here.
Longer Video Guide
Key Terms
System Admin:
Has full access to all the options in the Admin tab and can create and edit users, and manage system preferences such as attendee data fields, timeline events and locations. This role (on its own) does not have access to attendees’ personal details.
Roles Specific to Delivery Organisation Accounts:
Project Director:
A project director is a role related to a Delivery Organisation. A user with this role has the ability to view the system in its entirety, except attendees’ personal details. The role does not have the permission to make any changes to the system. A project director can pull reports from the system, but none containing personal details.
Project Manager:
A project manager is a role related a Delivery Organisation. A user with this role can configure projects, including locations, activity types and outcomes. Has access to attendees’ personal details and can create activities, indicators and sessions for the project they are associated with.
Session Registrar:
A session registrar is a user role related to a Delivery Organisation. A user with this role has access to attendee’s details and registers. They can add or remove attendees to registers as well as submit them. They can also report against people and attendance. You may give this role to a sports coach. Note: If you are going to choose the ‘session registrar’ role, you may want to add the ‘attendee’ role as well, since session registrars often need to be added to registers.
Attendee (User role):
An attendee user role is a user role related to Delivery Organisations. Selecting this role will create a participant profile for the user. This allows a session registrar to record themselves or another user as the instructor/coach/participant on a session. This role is designed specifically to sit alongside other roles, with no administrative power of its own.
Roles Specific to Facilitating Organisation Accounts:
Programme Manager:
A programme manager is a user role related to Facilitating Organisation accounts. A programme manager can view specific programmes they are associated with and run specific reports on only this programme. A programme manager can also amend the outcomes, activity types and register preferences for that programme.
Programme Director:
A programme director is a user role related to Facilitating Organisation accounts. A programme director can view all programmes and run reports for all programmes but cannot make any changes to this programme.
Project Viewer:
A project viewer is a user role related to Facilitating Organisation accounts. A project viewer can view a sessions list and activities calendar for the project they are associated with. They can see how the project is performing against indicators but can not make any amendments to the project.
For more information please refer to the short video here.
Roles Specific to Upshot Club Projects:
Team Manager:
This role is for our Upshot Club Projects to manage the team function. This is a role related to Delivery Organisation accounts. It works similarly to the Project Manager role. Team managers will only see the relevant teams they are made managers of and be able to add activities and sessions to this team.
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