Restricted Attendee Profiles allows you to limit the information users can see on particular attendees.
Restricting attendees to certain project(s) limits what information users who are not associated to these projects can see on these attendees and what actions can be completed with them.
This can be helpful when users on your account do not interact with certain attendees so do not need to be seeing their full details.
Consequently, it is important to ensure users are associated with the relevant projects. To find out more about updating users associations with projects please click here.
Users with either the Project Manager and Session Registrar roles can assign and amend project restrictions for attendees for their specific projects.
This setting can be turned on/off for your organisation at any point but must be done by Upshot. Please do get in touch either via or 020 7842 8899.
The lock symbol next to the Upshot logo in the top left had corner of your screen will indicate whether your Upshot account is running with the optional Restricted Attendee Profile (RAP) setting:
All users will be able to see the full details and report on this attendee.
Restricted attendee profile that a user does have access to
This attendee is restricted to projects that the user does have access to. Only users associated with these projects will be able to see the full details and report on this attendee.
Restricted attendee profile that a user does not have access to
This attendee is restricted to projects that you do not have access to. You will only see a limited amount of information on this attendee and complete a limited number of actions.
The seven fields shown on restricted attendee profiles to all users will be:
• First name
• Last name
• Nickname
• Gender
• Date of Birth
• Identifying notes
• Emergency contact details
Users will also be able to see which project restriction(s) are in place for this attendee.
The above eight fields give users a minimum amount of information to be able to identify that this is the 'correct' attendee. This is to help prevent duplicates being added and to allow them to select the correct attendee when completing the below action.
The following actions can be completed with a Restricted Attendee Profile:
• Add them to a register
Notable actions that cannot be completed with a Restricted Attendee Profile that you do not have access to:
• Send them a survey, complete one of their behalf or view their submitted responses
• Add a new timeline event
• View their timeline event or session report page
• View them on the map
• Add Media to their profile
• Have them included in your People Report
• Download an Attendee Report on their profile
• Have their restricted details shown on the Attendance Report.
Note: We recommend that if Users need access to all attendees for full reporting purposes that these Users are made a project manager for all Projects in your account.
Managing Attendee's Project Restrictions
New Attendees
When adding new attendees to Upshot, via People > Add new, users will be presented with the option to ADD AND UPDATE RESTRICTIONS, allowing them to add any project restrictions as part of the process of adding attendees to the system.
Similarly, if users are managing new attendees via their Attendee sign-up waiting list and click Edit and Accept they will then have the opportunity to ACCEPT & UPDATE RESTRICTIONS.
Existing Attendees
Users can also edit project restrictions for existing attendee’s individually from the attendee’s profile, or in bulk by using the People Report.
Changing an Attendee's Project Restrictions - Individual Level
To restrict an existing attendee to a project(s), please follow the below instructions.
Search for an Attendee in the top right-hand corner using the Search bar and click on their name. This will take you to the Attendee Profile.
Click on Project Restrictions.
Select the relevant project restrictions.
And click Save Project Restrictions.
Note: You will only be able to edit an attendee’s project restrictions for the projects you have access to as a User.
If you remove project restrictions for attendees, it is possible that you may not be able to see their full attendee details as they may also be restricted to projects you do not have access to.
Changing Multiple Attendee's Project Restrictions - In bulk
To change multiple attendee’s project restrictions in bulk, use the People Report.
Find the relevant attendee’s using the People Reports multiple filter options and then select Go.
Note: The People Report will only show matches for attendees that have Open Access Profiles or attendees that are restricted to projects you are associated with.
Two possible filters here that may be most helpful include:
• Created between – you may have added multiple attendees to your account on a certain date and they now need restricting to a relevant project
• Sessions – you can use this filter to view the projects people have attended. This could be a good starting point when restricting access.
(To find out more about the People Report click here.)
One you have selected your filters and clicked Go.
The following actions will appear with your Results. Click on Edit Project Restrictions.
Note: If your results produce less than 100 names you can click on them to cross them out of any of your subsequent actions.
From here you will be on the Bulk edit project restrictions page.
Again, choose the Projects you would like to restrict these attendees to. You can also remove the existing restrictions for these attendees.
When complete click Change Project Restrictions.
You will now return to the People Report with confirmation of your change shown across the top of the screen.
Note I: You will only be able to restrict/remove restrictions for attendees for projects you are associated with.
Note II: If you remove project restrictions for attendees, it is possible that you may not be able to see their full attendee details as they may also be restricted to projects you do not have access to.
Requesting Access to an Attendee
Users may require full access to a Restricted Attendee’s details. This might be because the attendee also participates in the Users project and certain information now needs to be accessible. Or this may be needed to be able to complete other actions with that attendee such as adding timeline events or sending surveys.
Note: As mentioned previously users can add attendees to registers even if they do not have full access to that attendee. It is worth considering what action the user needs to complete with the Restricted Attendee before deciding to give full access.
Users can request full access to an attendee by going to the attendee’s profile.
A Restricted Attendee Profile would appear like below:
From here you can request what project this attendee should also be restricted to, which would in turn give you (and other users associated with that project) full access to this attendee’s details.
This request will be sent in the form of an automated email to another Upshot user.
The Users presented will be associated with:
a) One of the projects the attendee is currently restricted to
b) The project you are requesting that this attendee is also restricted to
This email can be sent to individual users one at a time.
The email that users receive and how-to Grant Access can be seen below.
Note: Please send your access request to one of your colleagues and not 'Upshot Support'. We will not be able to grant specific users access to particular profiles as we will not know the in's and out's of which users should be granted access.
Granting Access Request
Users may receive requests for access to an attendee if they are associated to both, the projects the attendee is currently restricted to, and the project another user would like the attendee to also be restricted to.
Note this comes from a email address so please do check junk/spam folders. If these consistently end up in your junk/spam folders please do ask your IT department to whitelist the email address and the domain across the network. This will help to ensure these emails reach your inbox successfully.
Ensure you click Save Project Restrictions to save your changes.
This section will summarise how Restricted Attendee Profiles affects reporting in Upshot.
To summarise reporting via Statistics and Measured Indicators will not be affected in any way. This is because these two reports only show the numbers of attendees that meet certain reporting criteria, rather than the names or personal identifiers of individuals.
The reports affected will include the People, Attendance, Attendee Report and Map and these are discussed below.
People Report
Attendees with restricted profiles that you do not have full access to will not be included in your People Report results.
This is indicated by the lock symbol to the side of the page notifying you around this.
Consequently, you will only be able to run the People Report against attendees that are either Open Access or restricted to projects you are associated with.
It is advised that organisations have one user in your account who is made a Project Manager associated with all projects so that they can use the People Report fully if needed.
Attendance Report
When downloading the Attendance Report any attendee with a restricted profile that users do not have full access to will not have all details showing when you choose to Include personal details? In your download.
For these individuals all fields outside of the seven default fields shown for all attendees will have (restricted) in the title.
This will be presented in all cells regardless of whether information exists against these fields.
Attendee Report
Users will not have the option to run an Attendee Report on attendees who they do not have full access to.
This option will not appear on the Restricted Attendee’s profile and the individual will not be presented when trying to run a Written report on an Attendee.
Restricted attendees that you do not have full access to will be shown on the Map but if you click on the icon, rather than showing the attendee’s name, it will come up with Restricted profile.
Session Report (for an attendee)
The Session Report filter will not be shown on a restricted attendee’s profile that you do not have full access to.
Media and Timeline Events
Users will not be able to add Media or Timeline Events to Restricted Attendee Profiles they do not have access to.
Users will not be able to associate a Restricted Attendee Profile they do not have access to with new media added, either from the profile, from Evidence > Add Media or directly from a Session.
The restricted attendee profile will not show in the Attendee search bar when looking to make Media associations.
When viewing the Media library (Evidence > Show media) the Search by filters on the right-hand side will not show the Restricted attendee’s name in the drop down.
In addition, any files already associated to attendees that the user does not have full access to will be displayed with the red lock symbol. The user will not be able to access / view / download these files.
Anywhere else where the file thumbnail would usually be displayed will be replaced by the red lock symbol for users that do not have full access to an associated attendee in the media file.
Timeline Events
Users will not be able to add Timeline Events to Restricted Attendee Profiles that they do not have full access to.
From the restricted attendee’s profile page the Timeline Event filter will not be shown.
In addition, when adding a Timeline Event from a session register the user will not be able to tick to add the timeline event against Restricted Attendee Profiles they do not have access to as indicated by the lock symbol next to those attendee’s names.
Users will not be able to send/attach surveys to restricted attendee profiles they do not have access to.
These attendees will not appear in the search by list or when either the Survey participants by attendance or Advanced Filters are used.
In addition, users are not able to submit results on behalf of restricted attendee profiles they do not have access to or view their submitted results.
Organisations can audit whether restrictions are in place for attendees on mass by running a People Report (Reports > People) export.
Once downloaded, column BA in the download will list the Project restrictions currently in place for each attendee.
Each project the attendee is restricted to will be listed here. If the attendee is restricted to multiple projects, these will all be listed with each project separated by a comma.
If this is blank, the attendee is currently not restricted to any projects.
As part of the Upshot Community Webinar series in 2020 a thirty minute webinar was delivered called Improved Attendee Privacy which covered smaller areas such as Restricting Access to Timeline Events, or Custom Data Fields Restricted by Project. It also focused on the Restricted Attendee Profile feature (from 11:40) and this can be seen below:
Key Terms
Media files can provide examples of qualitative evidence of the work you have been delivering. These files are not limited to pictures and videos but can also include word and excel documents as well as PDF files. These files will all sit in your media library. For more information on this please refer to the Adding Media guide.
Restricted Attendee Profiles:
Attendees can be restricted to particular project(s). If users are associated with these projects, they will have full access to the attendees details. If users are not associated with these particular projects, they will only see a restricted view of that attendee’s profile and only be able to complete limited actions with them on Upshot.
Surveys can be created on the system and assigned to individual profiles. These can then be sent out to individuals via email or they can be completed by a system user on the individual’s behalf if they have a paper copy in front of them. Surveys could include a one-time evaluation form or a questionnaire that is completed at various points in time by individuals to measure changes in their responses. For more information on this please refer to the Sending and Completing Surveys and Comparing Surveys guides.
For more information please refer to the short video here.
Timeline Event:
Each attendee on the system has a timeline and you can track points of interest on their journey as "timeline events". These record what has happened or changed with a participant outside of regular session data and can often be viewed as individual outcomes from participating in the project. For more information on this please refer to the Timeline Events guide.
For more information please refer to the short video here.
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